Now,…just who was Deborah?



I get somewhat intrigued by what we would normally consider “obscure” comments in the Bible.  I’m of the inerrant/infallible school of theology, not that I don’t have plenty of questions for the other side of eternity.  Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop me from trusting the Author for what’s in the Book, even if some of its contents keeps me scratching my forehead. 

So here’s one of those parts to the story of the patriarch Jacob and his burgeoning family that I find interesting:

“Soon after this, Rebekah’s old nurse, Deborah, died. She was buried beneath the oak tree in the valley below Bethel. Ever since, the tree has been called Allon-bacuth (which means ‘oak of weeping’).”

I was curious why God put a little honorarium to this practically unknown servant in His eternal record.  (I love how God does that so many times in the Bible.)   This Deborah was someone that…

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