Saved Through One Passover

He Hath Said

And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the LORD did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies. -Exodus 12:51

“Ask them whence their victory came,
They with united breath
Ascribe their victory to the Lamb,
Their triumph in His death.”

One agonizing sacrifice, one death on Calvary, one bloody sweat on Gethsemane, one shriek of “It is finished.” consummated all the work of redemption. Oh! the precious blood of Christ! I love it when I think it saves one sinner; but oh! to think of the multitude of sinners that it saves! Beloved, we do not think enough of our Lord Jesus Christ; we have not half such an estimation of His precious person as we ought to have. We do not value His blood at the right price. Why, poor sinner, thou art saying this morning, “This blood cannot save…

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