desire of the soul


“[O Lord,] You grasp my soul, and topple my enemies with it.
And what is our soul?
A splendid weapon it may be, long, sharp, oiled,
and coruscating with the light of wisdom as it is brandished.
But what is this soul of ours worth?
What is it capable of, unless God holds it and fights with it?
Any sword, however beautifully made,
lies idle if there is no warrior to take it up…
So God does whatever He wishes with our soul.
Since it is in His hand,
it is His to use as He will.”

Saint Augustine of Hippo,
Exposition of Psalm 34

(detail of the painting Sant’Agostino by Antonello da Messina 1472, Italy)

So therefore…
if God does whatever He wishes with our soul…
whatever He pleases and whatever He desires…
then may my prayer be to you, dear Father in Heaven,
that I will always be…

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