Since God is described as our helper does that mean we have authority over God?

Enough Light

Back on Oct. 30th, I reviewed this book: Men and Women in Christ, Fresh Light From the Biblical Texts by Andrew Bartlett, Inter-Varsity Press, 2019. Review HERE.

I stated that I’d have another post or two where I highlight some content from the book. Yesterday, I highlighted content about Priscilla. Today will focus on Genesis.

Genesis 2:18 refers to Eve as a helper (ezer) to Adam, and unfortunately helper has certain connotations in the English language that create misunderstanding. The woman is perceived as the helper or assistant to the man, who is the leader or boss. Yet in Hebrew ezer does not have this meaning or implication. I’ve touched on this in past blog posts. I loved the phrase Bartlett used for the meaning of ezer:powerful ally! Powerful ally comes across rather differently than helper, does it not? Here is an excerpt from the book:

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