Verse of the Day 1 Kings 17:16 (NET)

Since a commentary is a fundamental tool for the expositor or teacher who seeks to interpret and apply Scripture in the church or classroom, the NAC focuses on communicating the theological structure and content of each biblical book. The writers seek to illuminate both the historical meaning and contemporary significance of Holy Scripture.

17:10–16 When Elijah encounters the widow, he discovers that the drought has reduced her resources to a bit of flour, a dab of oil, and a few sticks of wood. She expects to starve to death along with her son. Elijah promises that her flour and oil will not run out until the drought ends. This promise comes true, so the widow and her son are saved by this miraculous provision. God’s people have what they need and what Baal cannot provide.

House, P. R. (1995). 1, 2 Kings (Vol. 8, p. 215). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

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