God bless America, no wait.

The Lions Den

Why is this even a story? Certain men in high places have proudly said ‘God  d_mn America,’ and that language was applauded. Still is.

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Watch out, if you say ‘God bless you’ to somebody who sneezes, you may be stoned. A high school Florida student recently went ballistic, by saying to his classmates: ‘God bless America, keep us safe,’ after his scripted announcements over the intercom.  Oh no, bring out the tar and feathers.

Yep, instead of invoking  ‘thank you, have a nice day,’ or ‘Roger, over and out,’ he uttered what he thought was a harmless off the cuff  remark: God bless America.

And it was harmless………….until two, count them two atheists complained NOT to the principal, but to the AHA American Humanist Association, and got the attention they sought: a letter fired off to the school by the Appignani Humanist Legal Center:

“It is inappropriate and unlawful for…

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