Elevation Church – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly


Sitting in a restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina, we were delighted to meet a group of four men, who included a young man from the UK, who was working for a church called “Elevation”. Cool name, cool Church – I knew that it was one of the fastest growing mega churches in the UK, and had heard a little of its pastor, the dynamic Stephen Furtick.   It was interesting and revealing to hear about their work. Since then I have occasionally listened to a sermon, read articles and heard news programes, and watched as this Southern Baptist church has grown to a reported 20,000 plus.

The Good – Contrary to expectations I am not one of those Calvinist ministers who automatically discounts any church which grows beyond a couple of hundred, as being a mega fake, doctrinally incorrect, pseudo church. If I were like that I would have to discount…

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