Geekdom (Starwars, comics, videogames), its correlation with narcissism and Christian sanctification

Excellent piece!

The Domain for Truth

geek comics video games

I saw someone shared a news story on Christmas day with the following headlines, “Star Wars fans and video game geeks ‘more likely to be narcissists’, study finds.”  The first three paragraphs states

Those who take part in “geeky events” are more likely to have an “elevated grandiose” level of narcissism, according to a study conducted by the University of Georgia.

Psychologists examined the personality traits of those who turn to “geek culture”, developing a Geek Culture Engagement Scale and a Geek Identity Scale to help quantify the figures.

It was found that those who scored highly on both scales were more likely to narcissists.

Since we’re doing a current series on our blog on Christian worldview series on superheroes and comics I thought it was timely to post on this finding especially after reading the abstract to the actual study identified geek and geek culture relations to “obscure media”…

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