Okay, Dalrock…

See, there's this thing called biology...

The Lord works in mysterious ways, yes? God is good, indeed. I hope we can at least agree on that one thing.

Iran Frees Pastor Saeed Abedini after Three Years in Prison

I pray that it is true, that this information is accurate, and that Pastor Saeed Abedini is brought home safely and reunited with his family. I pray that the family is bathed in His grace, mercy, forgiveness and healing, during what could be challenging days ahead, simply because prison changes people, trauma creates wounding.  What was once normal may no longer feel so normal to them. This family will need our continued prayers, and our support, not our condemnation.

For those who may wonder what in this world this has to do with Dalrock, well, he did a series of rather harsh and judgmental posts about Naghmeh Saeed.

Naghmeh warns Christians not to be seduced by the desire…

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