A Hobbit’s Theology (2016 Pub Talk)

A Pilgrim in Narnia


On Thursday last I had the privilege of speaking at the most recent “Theology on Tap”–an evening that has never failed to disappoint in the past (see some background here).

I spoke about “How Hobbits Save the World,” suggesting that there is a hidden, subversive quality to Tolkien’s work that has profound implications for faith, life, culture, and politics. I’ll be talking about how that quality works itself out in other authors like C.S. Lewis, Madeleine L’Engle, and J.K. Rowling–and to what extend other authors offer an “anti-Hobbit” vision.

In essence, I suggest there is a “Theology of the Small” in some of the most transformative fantasy literature of the 20th century.

They recorded the talk, including questions, and I’m pleased to share it with you. Feel free to share it with others, and I appreciate your comments.

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