Was Jesus Really God? Part 2- The Hypostatic Union For Dummies

Truth in Palmyra

jesus is god

Okay, first of all I do not mean anything irreverent or insulting by the title of this post, The Hypostatic Union For Dummies. As I have said before I am not a theologian, nor are most of my readers. I know some are, and if you are feel free to chime in with some deep theology in the comments. I would love to learn something in the process of this post. For now, though, we are going to take a hopefully simple look at an extremely complicated topic: The Hypostatic Union.

Now, this whole thing can be analyzed for years and many Greek and Hebrew words tossed around, but really this is no more than the fact that Jesus was both fully human and yet fully divine at the same time. It is the concept of two distinct natures forming a union in one individual existence. The two distinct natureā€¦

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