Petition to the Scottish Parliament re a Second Independence Referendum

This is either the dumbest, bravest or most annoying thing I have ever done, or possibly all three! I have petitioned the Scottish government, asking them not to have Indy Ref 2 until after 2020.


I am really concerned about the potential for division, bitterness and waste of time and money that a second Independence referendum will undoubtedly cause. It seems as though the Scottish government are now set on a course to set one up (whether this was the intention all along or has just happened because having marched their troops to the top of the hill they cannot lose face by marching them down – doesn’t really matter). Whatever your views of Scottish Independence (and, cards on the table, I am a Yes voter from the 2014 referendum who will vote no if there is one in 2018 because I don’t regard being tied to the EU…

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