

The truth isn’t always welcome.

For example, in His hometown synagogue, Jesus read a passage from Isaiah regarding the coming Messiah. He said this to the audience:

“Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” – Luke 4:21 NKJV

Luke tells us they marveled at His gracious words and couldn’t believe this was “Joseph’s son”. But as He continued to speak, the mood in the room changed. He mentioned that prophets aren’t accepted in their own country, and reminded them that Elijah was sent to minister to Gentiles during the severe famine. At those words, the marveling went away and anger replaced it. The feelings were so intense they tried to kill Him, but He slipped through the crowd and left. What started out as an amazed audience, turned into a murderous mob.

Sometimes the truth does that. It starts out confirming and validating what we feel or hope (gracious words…

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